Death is an unfortunate part of life. There is no way to escape it and the majority of the world’s population has lost a loved one. No matter how unfortunate a person’s death may be, choosing to celebrate their life can be both helpful and calming. The funeral and burial process is an imperative part of the grieving process so planning is this celebration of your loved one’s life is important.  Custom memorials Chicago for your loved ones can help you grieve.

The planning process obviously begins with choosing the a type of funeral. Traditionally, a person has a wake, funeral and then the burial. There is no right way to hold a life celebration but the events should be based around the deceased’s wishes. He or she may have prearranged their final wishes before passing.

Once your loved one has been laid to rest, you will need to choose a headstone or memorial marker for the grave site. While many people choose standard tombstones, custom memorials Chicago offers selections that can be designed around your loved one’s specific likes and personality. If your loved one was a war veteran, you can easily have a beautiful flag or military marker engraved on their memorial. For families who have lost young loved ones, their favorite toy can be engraved onto the granite tombstone memorial. Memorials Chicago can easily create the perfect tombstone.

Saying goodbye to a loved one is not suppose to be easy. Chicago Memorials can be created to help you and the remaining family members bid farewell, but also help celebrate the amazing life your loved one led. Custom memorials Chicago can help you and your family remember the type of person your loved one was and pay tribute to them.